Official documents
DECISION No 1720/2006/EC OF
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 November 2006, establishing an
action programme in the field of lifelong learning (2006)
DECISION No 1298/2008/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2008, establishing the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 action programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries (2008) |
Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council establishing "Erasmus For All" (2013)
Reglamento (UE) Nº 1288/2013 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 11 de Diciembre de 2013, por el que se crea el programa "Erasmus +", de educación, formación, juventud y deporte de la Unión y por el que se derogan las Decisiones 1719/2006/CE, 1720/2006/CE y 1298/2008/CE (2013)